He had been living on this chain, under the house for weeks now since the owners moved away. The neighbor…
When volunteers saw Gabby she was hobbling on three legs and holding a swollen and blood leaking stump of a…
Minimum Amount: $5.00
Minimum Amount: $5.00 / month
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
Do you have a preference for the type of dog you are interested in fostering? * ie. Puppy, puppies, adult dog, breed, size (large, medium, small)
Do you currently have pets? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
Please list the pets living with you. *
Are your pets vaccinated?* —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do your dogs get along with other dogs?*
Are you willing to foster a dog with medical needs?* —Please choose an option—YesNoMAYBE
Are there children in your home? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If Yes, are any of the children under the age of ten years? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have a fenced yard? * —Please choose an option—Wood PrivacyIronChain LinkInvisible FenceNoOther
Fence Height *
Where will you keep the dog during the day? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Where will you keep the dog at night? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Where will you keep the dog while you are away? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Would you be willing to take the foster dog to our veterinarian if needed? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
Please provide the name and phone number of a reference who is not related to you. *
I understand that a Houston k-911 rescue representative may visit my home for a home inspection before my foster application is approved. *
I agree that all statements contained in this document are made by me, and are truthful. *
Do you agree to absolve Houston k-911 rescue and all of it's representatives from any liability in reference to a dog under the custody of Houston k-911 rescue? *
Name *
City, State *
Email *
Name of pet that you are interested in
Where are you employed*
Occupation *
Work Phone *
Spouse's Name *
Spouse's Occupation *
Our adoption process includes a home visit. Are you willing to let a representative visit your home by appointment? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered no to the previous question, please explain.
Personal non-family reference #1 (Name, Phone, Relation) *
Personal non-family reference #2 (Name, Phone, Relation) *
What is your reason for wanting to adopt a pet at this time? *
Description of residence * —Please choose an option—Single Family HomeApartmentCondo Or TownhouseMobile HomeOTHER
Do you... * —Please choose an option—OwnRentOTHER
If you are renting, what is the name of the property, property owner, and phone number? *
Does your Homeowners Association have any restrictions on pet ownership? —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered "YES" Above, Please Explain.
Number of adults in the house *
Number of children in the house *
Who will care for this dog? * —Please choose an option—MyselfMy SpouseMy ChildrenOTHER
On average, how many hours will the pet spend alone? (please specify daily or weekly) *
On average, how many hours will the pet spend outside by itself? (Please specify daily or weekly)
How will you handle this pet's exercise and potty breaks? *
Please list all animals currently living at your address and any pets you have owned in the last three years: (please include age, species, breed, and sex) *
Spayed/Neutered * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered "no" to the above question, please explain.
Vaccinated * —Please choose an option—YesNo
What happened to the pets that are no longer with you? *
If adopting a dog, will you obedience train the dog? * —Please choose an option—YesNoOTHER
Please describe the extent of care that you are willing to provide should your pet have special medical needs now or later in life. *
Will you have your pet vaccinated annually by a veterinarian? —Please choose an option—YesNoOTHER
Please describe what you know about the causes and prevention of heartworms. *
How will your pet be cared for when you are out of town? * —Please choose an option—BoardingLeave at home with food and waterDog SitterLeave with a friendTake with youOTHER
If you currently have a veterinarian, please provide the name, address and phone number. *
Have you owned this breed/mix before? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you owned a rescued animal before? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you ever adopted from a rescue group or shelter? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes", please provide the name of the rescue or shelter.
Have you applied to adopt an animal and been declined? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes" please explain.
Have you ever given up an animal? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes", what did you do with the animal(s) and why? *
What qualities are you looking for in a pet? *
What traits or characteristics are you sure you do NOT want? *