Showing all 2 results
Minimum Amount: $5.00
Minimum Amount: $5.00 / month
First Name *
Last Name *
Street Address *
Zip Code *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
Do you have a preference for the type of dog you are interested in fostering? * ie. Puppy, puppies, adult dog, breed, size (large, medium, small)
Do you currently have pets? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
Please list the pets living with you. *
Are your pets vaccinated?* —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do your dogs get along with other dogs?*
Are you willing to foster a dog with medical needs?* —Please choose an option—YesNoMAYBE
Are there children in your home? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If Yes, are any of the children under the age of ten years? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Do you have a fenced yard? * —Please choose an option—Wood PrivacyIronChain LinkInvisible FenceNoOther
Fence Height *
Where will you keep the dog during the day? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Where will you keep the dog at night? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Where will you keep the dog while you are away? * —Please choose an option—Fenced YardKennel RunInside HomeTied OutsideGarageLoose OutsideCratePatio/BalconyOTHER
Would you be willing to take the foster dog to our veterinarian if needed? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
Please provide the name and phone number of a reference who is not related to you. *
I understand that a Houston k-911 rescue representative may visit my home for a home inspection before my foster application is approved. *
I agree that all statements contained in this document are made by me, and are truthful. *
Do you agree to absolve Houston k-911 rescue and all of it's representatives from any liability in reference to a dog under the custody of Houston k-911 rescue? *
Name *
City, State *
Email *
Name of pet that you are interested in
Where are you employed*
Occupation *
Work Phone *
Spouse's Name *
Spouse's Occupation *
Our adoption process includes a home visit. Are you willing to let a representative visit your home by appointment? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered no to the previous question, please explain.
Personal non-family reference #1 (Name, Phone, Relation) *
Personal non-family reference #2 (Name, Phone, Relation) *
What is your reason for wanting to adopt a pet at this time? *
Description of residence * —Please choose an option—Single Family HomeApartmentCondo Or TownhouseMobile HomeOTHER
Do you... * —Please choose an option—OwnRentOTHER
If you are renting, what is the name of the property, property owner, and phone number? *
Does your Homeowners Association have any restrictions on pet ownership? —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered "YES" Above, Please Explain.
Number of adults in the house *
Number of children in the house *
Who will care for this dog? * —Please choose an option—MyselfMy SpouseMy ChildrenOTHER
On average, how many hours will the pet spend alone? (please specify daily or weekly) *
On average, how many hours will the pet spend outside by itself? (Please specify daily or weekly)
How will you handle this pet's exercise and potty breaks? *
Please list all animals currently living at your address and any pets you have owned in the last three years: (please include age, species, breed, and sex) *
Spayed/Neutered * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If you answered "no" to the above question, please explain.
Vaccinated * —Please choose an option—YesNo
What happened to the pets that are no longer with you? *
If adopting a dog, will you obedience train the dog? * —Please choose an option—YesNoOTHER
Please describe the extent of care that you are willing to provide should your pet have special medical needs now or later in life. *
Will you have your pet vaccinated annually by a veterinarian? —Please choose an option—YesNoOTHER
Please describe what you know about the causes and prevention of heartworms. *
How will your pet be cared for when you are out of town? * —Please choose an option—BoardingLeave at home with food and waterDog SitterLeave with a friendTake with youOTHER
If you currently have a veterinarian, please provide the name, address and phone number. *
Have you owned this breed/mix before? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you owned a rescued animal before? —Please choose an option—YesNo
Have you ever adopted from a rescue group or shelter? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes", please provide the name of the rescue or shelter.
Have you applied to adopt an animal and been declined? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes" please explain.
Have you ever given up an animal? * —Please choose an option—YesNo
If "yes", what did you do with the animal(s) and why? *
What qualities are you looking for in a pet? *
What traits or characteristics are you sure you do NOT want? *